
Peter Dunn serving the Perth Metro Area for over 12 years
With over 10 years as a Finance Broker and having owned and operated small businesses for 15 years, ideliver a wealth of experience to my customers. Prior to this I also worked for 20 years as part of the management team in finance and accounting with Australias largest telecommunications company.

You will benefit from my knowledge, as i am well placed to provide you with professional advice and i hold the Diploma in Finance a Mortgage broking management as well as the Diploma in Financial Planning.

I have been twice recognised by the Professional Lenders Association Network as one of

their Sales Masters and received the Buyers Choice Mortgage Professional award in 2011

Peter Dunn is a credit representative (CRN 399786) of BLSSA Pty Ltd ACN 117 651 760 ( (Australian Credit Licence no 391237)